Optimal Performance Secrets: How Top Executives Use Energy Cycles to Excel

How many of you have hit an age when pulling an all-nighter just doesn’t work anymore? At some point, it dawns on us all that if we want to perform at our best, our lifestyle counts or our energy plummets. I’m not talking about turning into a hermit and adopting ascetic habits. You can tweak your day-to-day to show up with more verve by understanding the nature of cycles.

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The Big Fat Deal: The Life-changing Power of Metabolic Flexibility

Metabolic flexibility is a bit of a buzzword in health and wellness circles. With reason. It’s one of those key concepts that can change your life. It changed mine, freeing me from cravings and that “I need to eat now!” imperative that distracted me from things I wanted to do. It also allowed me to indulged a long-standing love of fat, a fabulous ingredient key to enjoying what you eat.

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Unlocking Your Energy Potential: 3 Proven Strategies To Show Up Full Throttle No Matter What

How do you maintain your energy levels? What do you do to have more energy? If your body cannot create the energy it needs, the brain, which is an energy hog, panics and returns to a primitive state focused on fear, hunger, or procreation. You know the symptoms: forgetfulness, cravings, brain fog, drowsiness, anger, lack of willpower. Here are 3 strategies to keep you showing up full throttle.

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Unlock Your Strength: Essential Tips for Leaders to Combat the Hidden Dangers of Modern Living

Chronic stress, excessive sitting, not enough sleep, poor food… there’s quite enough cause in our modern lifestyles for concern. Statistics show startling increases in macular degeneration, which leads to blindness, not to mention a full panoply of chronic diseases we hear so much about. And now, studies reveal that our kids have weak bones from not enough activity and crooked teeth from soft food. How is your lifestyle making you weak?

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