Potentializing Organizations

Time is a finite resource. Energy is different story.


Anticipating tomorrow
Navigating Change
Motivating Performance

Today, organizations are facing real business challenges, including maintaining morale, momentum and motivation; keeping people connected and engaged; and rapid pivoting to capitalize on new opportunities.

Potentialize people and you optimize the whole.

The Potentializer Academy approaches all the levels critical to sustainable high performance and innovation, including physical, emotional, mental, and whole-life balance.

The world needs organizations that lead with empathy, build strong teams, and innovate the future. Now.

Our solutions

A novel approach to drive engagement, productivity, focus, and innovation in times of change


Potentializer Program

The science of high performance can effectively reenergize workforces, helping organizations shift to providing the tools for leaders and teams to be motivated—and able—to bring more of themselves to work every day, whatever the circumstances.

Based on science and practices culled from top performers, we explore mindset and behaviors to enable people to recognize what is depleting their energy, diminishing their emotional resilience, inhibiting their focus, and weakening their motivation. We zero in on key actions and behaviors that optimize energy, done at precise times, with goals and accountability.

The Potentializer Program, tailored to each organization, helps leaders and teams to balance intense focus with regular renewal to be:

  • To be more effective and engaged

  • To do their best work

  • To feel a sense of balance


3 Steps to the High-Performance Zone

Three steps cover the main contributors to the optimal energy and motivation needed to move into the high-performance zone—where individual performance boosts organizational results.


It’s not news that inadequate nutrition, exercise, sleep, and rest diminish people’s basic energy levels and ability to manage their emotions and focus their attention. Yet, many executives don’t find ways to practice consistently healthy behaviors, given all the other demands in their time. Biohacking offers a novel approach to affecting behavioral change based on maximum impact with minimum effort.


How people focus and balance their energy impacts creativity, prioritization, and productivity. It is both personal and collective, dependent on individual systems and overall environment. Human potential coaching combines the best of positive psychology, success, and performance coaching.


The quality of one’s energy impacts communication, resilience and relationships. When people are able to take more control of their emotions and mindset, they can improve the quality of their energy, regardless of the external pressures they’re facing. Additionally, meaning, purpose, and individual values fuel engagement and productivity.

Anticipating the Emerging Future


Facilitating Innovation

Our innovation workshops offer structured, hands-on, activity-based virtual and on-site sessions designed to unlock creativity and innovation. They are built around Theory U and the Design Thinking process. Through observation, focusing, and brainstorming activities, participants will explore the current situation in-depth looking for touchpoints that reveal emerging possibilities. From there, groups generate ideas and quick prototypes.

Keys to success

  • Divergent perspectives. These workshops work best with a variety of different perspectives from outside of the department and up and down the company ladder, with at least one decision-maker in the room to drive solutions forward.

  • Outside facilitation. Unfettered by in-company habits and usual interactions, outside facilitators keep the participants on task and the agenda moving forward.

Recreating effective collaboration


(Re)Building Teams

The world is facing unprecedented upheavals with a global pandemic, lockdowns, a brutal transition to remote work, lack of visibility about the future, unemployment, restructuring, and more. Teams are disrupted, managers are destabilized. People feel a loss of meaning, their day-to-day turned upside down. They are left with no place to express their discomfort. Anxiety is on the rise, contributing to the further breakdown of teamwork, restricting efficacy.

In the face of such turmoil, organizations need to act so that their leaders and teams feel safe and supported, strengthening feelings of meaning and collaboration.

Our approach combines the insights of a workplace psychologist and transformational coaching to offer organizations the tools they need to provide a safe space to express these deep changes and to find a new collective foundation from which to move forward, one that allows individuals to find their place again within the whole and within their mission.

This program offers three phases to rebuild team spirit:

  • Putting words to upheaval. This phase allows individuals to express their experience in a safe setting.

  • Balancing act. This phase focuses on finding a balance in recovery, stress management and lifestyle as it affect workplace well-being.

  • Emerging team. Using Theory U for collective transformation, the goal of this phase is to find the team again as it rises again.

This program is adapted to each organization’s structure and needs.


Adapting and evolving

Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.
— Christian Lous Lange, upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, 1921

Productivity Training

In a world of increasing uncertainty, constant change, temporal famine, hyperconnection, and distraction, individuals and organizations need to adapt and evolve continually. Technology is breaking down our limits of time and space. An endless flow of information multiplies the complexity of our daily life.

Transforming overwhelm and reclaiming focus are key for organisational success.

  • Nearly one employee out of two (43%) feels exhausted by the constant flow of information.

  • More than 1 in 3 experience information overload (39%), or feel completely overwhelmed (36%).

  • Older generations feel that millennials have one up on them.

  • 18- to 29-year-olds are actually more stressed (48% vs. 35% overall workforce), more overwhelmed (44% vs. 36%), less focused (44% vs. 32%), and more disoriented by managing their workload (33% vs. 22%).

The results are undeniable: absenteeism, turnover, accidents, lower creativity and productivity, burnout, to name a few.


How can we adapt easily to rapid technological change? And to change in general? How can we stay focused in the face of constant distraction? The Potentializer Academy proposes tailored training in stress resilience, energy management, and focus management. Some examples include:

  • Intentional Use: Digital Wellbeing and Managing Technostress

  • Taming Distraction: Productivity and Performance Amidst Information Overload

  • Clear Focus through Vision, Values, and Mission

  • Personal Narratives as a Tool to Stay Focused

All training is adapted to the organization and individual needs, tailored to the expectations of the participants.

Cutting-edge performance for leaders


Leadership Performance Coaching

Human Potential Coaching is a developmental approach to coaching, accredited by the International Coaching Federation, that combines top-of-the-line whole-person coaching with tools and strategies based on positive psychology, the psychology of success, nutrition, and the latest research in neuroscience. It is adapted to individuals and groups.

Accessible to everyone, Human Potential Coaching helps leaders adapt to their environment, building on intrinsic qualities and motivation. Combined with biohacking, leaders find a competitive edge and boost their performance, improving stress management and focus, as well as boosting emotional intelligence. It allows them to access their full potential while maintaining work-life balance.
