Assessing Your Coachability: Is Now the Right Time for Executive Coaching?

What does it mean to be coachable? How do you know if this is the right time to invest in coaching to help you reach your goals?

Coachable? Even the word is hard to pronounce. What does it mean? As a coach, I often wonder about this because I want my clients to get the most out of the work we do together. As a client, it helps to know so you get coaching at the right time to get the most benefit. A 2009 study by McKenna & Davis called “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Active Ingredients of Executive Coaching” reveals that 40% of the impact coaching has depends on the coachee’s readiness for coaching. So, there's a first coachability synonym: readiness. Just because you feel ready for coaching, are you really going to get the most out of it?

Are You Coachable Or Uncoachable?

So what does coachable mean? Here is a list of qualities I have gleaned from my experience as a coach and from the literature by scholars specialized in athletic and organizational coaching. These qualities indicate readiness for change and transformation, which is what most people are looking for in coaching.

  • Being committed to growth, development, and learning

  • Being willing and able to proactively seek, accept and act on constructive feedback

  • Getting excited or curious about trying new things

  • Having awareness and the ability to reflect on preconceptions and fixed ideas

  • Being open, vulnerable, and ready to go deep

  • Being interested in and focussed on the journey

  • Taking responsibility and doing the work

  • Having a reason to change and viewing change as positive

Additionally, it helps to have what's known as a "beginner's mind," which includes approaching ideas as if we had never heard them before. This mindset can be cultivated. And it never hurts to have a supportive environment.

Readiness for Coaching Questions

Here are a few question you can ask yourself to determine if now is the right time for coaching:

  • Do I keep my word to others and to myself?

  • Am I open to testing new ideas and approaches?

  • Am I willing to share genuinely and honestly my truth with my coach?

  • Am I willing to share openly any concerns I have with my coach?

  • Am I ready and willing to change limiting or sabotaging behaviors and beliefs I may have?

  • Am I able and willing to put in the time and effort in between coaching sessions to #dothework?

  • Do I have sufficient funds to invest in coaching without regretting the decision for financial reasons?

What Can Get in the Way of Being Coachable

Make no mistake, lasting change is hard! Here are four things that could keep you from making progress on a coaching journey. Be aware of them from the get-go.

  1. Not getting started — it happens.

  2. Fear of failure — this too happens, and can be insidious.

  3. Focusing on the negative—what won’t work—rather than what will.

  4. Stress.

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
— Rumi