The Leader's Playbook: 11 Power Moves to Amplify Your Coaching Experience

Anyone who thinks coaching is a passive, miracle-cure kind of activity is in for a surprise when they have the experience. It's both empowering and challenging. For coaching to really work, both coachee and coach need to play the game for real, giving it their all and doing the work. What can you do to get more out of coaching?

As a coach, I aspire to having my clients get the most out of coaching, not in a feel-good, happy-go-lucky kind of way, but in a deep, challenging, growth-oriented way. Because I want the work to stick. I want people to walk away empowered and living a better life. Not needing me again. After what is now five years of full-time one-on-one coaching, I've come up with a list of power moves clients make when they optimize their coaching.

How to Get More Out of Coaching

  1. Make a conscious choice to implement change in your life. Then, it will no longer be perceived as a threat, which makes it easier.

  2. Get started. Live like it’s now (right now!). Doing so will set you apart. So many only think about it.

  3. Get real. Assess your whole life—personal, professional, community, health and wellness—as it is right now. Are you, by and large and daily variations aside, happier now than you have ever been? Are you where you want to be? Are you on a path that is just right for you, that is leading you to fulfillment in all dimensions? Get radically honest with yourself.

  4. Go beyond facts—take action. Most of us already know what we need to do to leverage our time and effort better. We know a lot. And we don't always act on that knowledge. You’ll need to take action to get results. Take action. Any action. And then another. And another.   

    Knowledge x Action = Change

  5. Name your why. Why is a powerful motivator. So, let loose and write down:

    • All the reasons why you are making this commitment

    • Your desired outcomes in terms of how you want to feel rather than what you want Who is counting on you? What will you do with your renewed energy and balance? 

      Dare a big, dreamy, vast why. One that means so much to you that you will do whatever it takes!  There's no pressure. Your why can shift and change. You can start small and grow it as you move forward. You can start vague and fill in the details. Whatever works. 

      Reconnect to your why regularly. Set it up a system (reminder, post-it, vision board, etc.) to remind yourself of this why. I have a paper tacked to my office wall. It's nothing fancy.

  6. Choose your mindset. Belief drives behavior. You have 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day, most of them the same as yesterday. Start editing them. Look for what is possible. Always. The mindset you have about this journey will impact what you make of it.

  7. Prioritize energy. Time is limited. Energy is infinite. Make your energy a priority. Learn to manage your energy, which involves recognizing the cost of energy-depleting behaviors and taking responsibility for changing them.

  8. Know the voice of judgement. Identify how you judge yourself. Our judgements shape the quality of our lives and our actions. Become aware of them. Acknowledge them. Lean in. Listen. The more you resist, the more they will fight back. 


    • Ask if they are useful.

    • Don’t wallow.

    • Find the energy in them. Take the gift and move on.

  9. Commit the time. This is time for you. The more you give to yourself, the more you’ll get out of it—and paradoxically, the more you'll have for others. That said, I know life is full and it’s a joy to be a part of it, sotake transformation in chunks, with small actionable steps. I also know that if it's not on the calendar, it doesn't get done.

  10. Find cheerleaders. Find people to cheer you on and give you a kick in the butt when you need it. The more people you have on your side, the better.

  11. Remember that you know you best. All a coach really wants is to lead you back to that place where you find your own answers.

What Is A Coaching Mindset?

I've also collected some mindset tips.

  • Approach everything you do with a beginner’s mind, as if it were the first time. Set aside preconceived ideas.

  • You are entirely responsible for your reality, what you do, how you show up and the energy you give off. You are exactly who you are.

  • The choice is yours.

  • Reward effort, not results. It’s a path, not a destination. A little every day beats once in a while every time. Continuous intention is what counts.

  • Motivation comes in waves. Ride them.

  • Change is deeply human—own it, accept it, embrace it, and remember to grieve the inevitable loss involved.

4 Conscious Decisions to Make to Boost the Effects of Coaching

  • Decide you will bring vibrancy to your every part of your life. 

  • Decide to master your work/activity–rest ratios, to do what needs to be done to get your energy back online, to embrace radical self-care.

  • Decide to approach everything with intention, the intention to have the energy to live your life to the fullest.

  • Decide the practices you will implement.

A Method to Get More From Coaching

  • Experiment.

  • Reflect and review.

  • Adjust and reiterate.

  • Feel free to break the rules.

  • Give yourself permission to be exactly who you are.

Sometimes coaching is messy. Be kind and compassionate with yourself.

If you argue for your limitations, they become yours.
— Jim Kwik